
If you have more than one dog we are more than happy to put them together in the same kennel and would encourage you to do so.
Kennel Features
There are 10 spacious kennels available, with music playing throughout the day.
Each kennel is 4 feet wide and 16 feet long. JUST ADDED : 800 sqft. of fenced in play space!.
We heat the area with radiant heat. It is important to have warm floors to prevent drafts and provide elderly, small,
and short haired dogs with enough warmth to be comfortable during our cold winters.
All of the kennels are inside. This way the dogs are protected from the elements and have enough room to move around although it may be cold or extremely hot outside.
During the spring, summer and fall there are two large garage doors on the back kennel wall that open, bringing in sunshine and fresh air. This gives the kennel and open air feeling. The doors are closed at night for security purposes.
Each dog is let out a minimum of 3 times a day. The dogs are let out on an individual basis for safety. We do allow dogs to play together with owner permission. This is usually the case because the majority of dogs we kennel are friendly. Weather conditions and the needs of the dogs will determine the length of time the dogs stay outside.
In the event of an emergency the owner will be contacted and the dog will be taken to the nearest available veternarian or to the Concord Area Veternarian Emergency Services (CAVES), a 24hr hospital.
Kennel Requirements
1. Vaccination Certificate : Showing that the dog is up to date on all annual vaccinations as well as the kennel cough vaccine.
2. We ask that each dog comes with its own food. This way we do our best to prevent diarrhea by keeping the dog on its reqular diet.
3. If your dog is okay with a bed, please bring it. The smell of home is the equivalent to a picture to a dog.
4. Toys, if your dog likes toys we welcome any toy that you feel comfortable leaving your dog unsupervised with.
5. If your dog requires medication we can accommidate those special needs.
Cost For Boarding
The cost is $40 per dog per night. A night is based on a 24hr period beginning when you drop off your dog.
At that start of each new 24hr period begins a new day and there are no half days.
Board & Hike/Walk Program
Concerned your dog will not get enough exercise while your away? Does your dog not do well in play groups?
We offer Hikes and Walks by our Professional Dog Walker. Please inquire about rates and availability.